Frequently asked questions

Everything you want to know about Future Health.
How does the platform work?
Future Health is a patient-centered marketplace for post-acute care and long-term care needs. When you sign up with us, you'll have access to a list of providers in your area that you can filter to your needs - allowing you to schedule your care as simply as booking a hotel room. To see more about how we work, please see our How it Works page:

How it Works
How do I sign up?
You can sign up right here, at no cost to you:

Sign Up
What types of medical conditions or situations are appropriate for post-acute care through this platform?
Future Health is perfect for patients with post-acute care needs, home-health needs, and facility referrals. For a full list of care types we can help you schedule please see Our Services list:

Our Services
How do I pay for the platform?
Our platform is completely free for the patient to use! Patients should never have to pay fees from Future Health or any of our participating providers for scheduling appointments.
Will my insurance cover these services?
Our platform is completely free for patients to use, but when it comes to paying for the costs of care we've designed our platform to be insurance friendly. You can filter by your desired insurance plan when finding providers here: 

Sign Up
What if my insurance plan is not accepted?
If your insurance isn't accepted, we offer flexible private pay options. We can provide a Superbill for potential reimbursement from your insurance, though acceptance varies by plan. We're here to assist you through this process with care.
Are healthcare professionals on the platform licensed and qualified to provide acute care?
Yes! Where applicable, all providers on our platform are licensed and registered. Our goal is to connect patients with the highest quality of care, starting with the clinicians they're treated by.
How is my personal health information and data protected?
You can rest assured that your medical information is safe with us and will not be shared with any third parties. We are an accredited HIPAA compliant platform, please see our Privacy Notice:

Privacy Notice

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